Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I'm seriously doubting that anyone is going to christmas meet up besides the lemons and our tag-along.
All of you reading this thinking "hey! i think I wanna go to that" tell us or something!
AND if you have an awesome idea like Prussia's (second time you've been mentioned in a post. You must feel like a celebrity) thanksgiving idea. Sign in with the info on the left side and make a post with some made up date(s) that work for you and just see if people show up. That's what I did with the christmas thing.
This is supposed to be a COMMUNITY blog with other people suggesting things and such.
I'm sorry, I had to to say that, but I am easily frustrated.

I'm NOT lecturing anyone who commented saying that they couldn't come or anyone who is just too busy and hasn't looked at the blog.

Thankyou and have a nice day :)

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