Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break Blast????

Corny. Huh.

Well, anyway, I say we should have a Hetalia meet-up over spring break! Like, next Friday or Saturday (18th or 19th).
Saturday is supposed to be warmer than Friday, so you might want to keep that in mind.
Maybe meet up at Gregory Park?? Or the mall. But we can always walk to the mall from the park, and it seems like it would be easier to meet up at the park since we've done it before, yeah?
It should be fairly sunny, and the chance of rain isn't very high. Promising weather, if there's no flood warnings.
How about we make a music video? Any suggestions for a song?
A picnic would be nice, too. Hopefully better than the mall one (sorry, guys).
Or we could buy lunch. That would be more spendy, of course.

If we have a picnic, we'll need:
Anything else you want to eat/drink

I'll edit this regularly to make a list of people coming.
Comment away!

EDIT ---

Friday it is!
So there might be a Germany, Poland, and America? Unless you guys changed your characters. 
And Hungary is definitely not attending, correct?
Is Jasmyne coming as anybody?

And @ Po-chan:
That's a surprise ;3 

Friday . . . how about eleven to four? We can meet up by the fountain again. Or the gazebo.